Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 2 and 3 blog prompts Due 1/30

Weeks 2 & 3 Blog Prompts 
 Please note the suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post.

Design & Fabrication 
  Photos: 1 screenshot of your Research Table of questions, 1 screenshot of your Design Specification table, and 1 photo of your thumbnail sketches of ideas. If you have a more formal drawing on the graph paper with dimensions, please include a photo of that too. 

  • What are two things that make your design unique to you, something you've added to a design or invented to make it better? 
  • What is one thing that you aren't sure will work about your idea? 
  • What aspect of the actual sound amplification is most important to you on this project?

Please have your blog post done by Monday 1/30 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

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