Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29th DF6 Class blog

 April 29th DF6 Class blog
 This week our class focused on getting our group projects finished and transferring the files so that they are ready to be 3D printed. On Friday, we also started looking for ideas for our final project. We brainstormed ideas that were innovative but useful for a specific purpose, and cam up with ways in which we can turn these ideas into reality. We will be spending the rest of the semester working on this project!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Class Blog 4/27 Block 2

We continued our research for projects this class.
We searched for three projects that we want to make, and put them in the idea proposal templates in google drive.
The projects have to involve programming, using the laser cutter, or the 3D printer. Once we have a good idea of what we want to make, we will be sorted into groups with similar interests.

After class, we could possibly start interviewing people to improve our ideas and make a plan.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 14 Prompts

Week 14
Design & Fabrication 2, 4, 6  
Photos to includeScreen shots from EACH CLASS (Tu and Th) that show your individual progress using a 3D modeling program and how far you've gotten this week in your design   


  • What did you get done on your 3D project in two days? (put photos here to show, but also describe)?
  • When you thought you were done, what did you still have to go back and fix?
  •  What about this project are you most pleased with?

  • Please have your blog post done by Wed 4/26 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

4-19 Tuesday DF6

Hello, I'm Leon. Today in class we worked very hard on their 3D design models. Each group of students have chose a topic they want to develop in such as architecture and they have worked on a 3D design that is correlated to their topic. We use different programs because each of us feels comfortable on a certain program for some reason or a program works better for whatever specific thing they want to build. Also in class each group naturally seemed to have a discussion going on sharing and incorporating the good things of other project into their owns. For example in the architecture group, we looked at each other and gave positive feed back. Some of us took a basic template of a certain house from the internet and added houses and the rooms inside, while some of us build the actual pieces from scratch. This is the same for other groups because it is usually easier. to By next class we have to finish our design and start printing. Since there is so many pieces to print, it may not be done in one class but in a few weeks we would be able to share photos and videos about our completed project.
A student thinking about the design of his project

Another student thinking about his design.

The maker bot doing work

The other maker bot doing work.

Student working on his house design

Creating the Uruma Residence that looks like two cardboard boxes taped together. 

Student working on design again.

Student working on his own design

Student very proud of his own artwork he designed and worked on during class

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Class Blog April 25

Today we continued working on our 3D printing projects.
We changed the files into stl and uploaded them into our google files.
Our home work is to think of ideas for our next project.

Class Blog April 21st Block 2

Today groups continued to work on their individual designs using 123D Design and Sketch Up. Some people are almost done and ready to print.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Class Blog April 20th

Today in class we worked on our 3D printing projects. We worked individually on our computers, either with Sketch Up, 123D Make, Fusion360.
Class working

Class Blog April 21st Block 4

Today everybody continued to work on their 3d projects. Everyone used sketchup and 123 design to create their 3d projects.
Everett working hard
Super complicated design. He's a Pro!

This group is doing a good job.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

DF4 April 15th

In class we continued working on our individual 3D projects. The substitute (Mr. Swist) allowed us to work on our projects the entire class and they must be finished in the next couple of classes. The homework was to work on your projects furthermore and to complete the Weekly Blog.

Here is some of the student projects so far: 


Class Blog Friday 15th

Today everyone got in their groups and continued to work on their projects. People are using shapeshifter, sketchup, 123D Design, etc.. Everyone is almost finished and ready to print.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Week 13 Blog Prompts due 4/18

Week 13
Design & Fabrication 2, 4, 6  
Photos to include: Photo of your printed shapeshifter form if it's been printed and you haven't posted a photo yet.  Screen shots from EACH CLASS (M, W, F) that show your individual progress using a 3D modeling program and how far you've gotten this week in your design   

  • What is one aha moment you've had this week with using the 3D program you've chosen?
  • What is something you've altered already in your design plan? Why?
  •  What are you most excited about at this point with your object design?

  • Please have your blog post done by Monday 4/18 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

DF6 04/13/16

Today we started out the class by doing a teacher feedback survey. We then went on to continue working on our 3D print project. We got in our groups and worked together on multiple different computer softwares. Some have even already printed their project!

Completing the feedback survey

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15th class blog

 iPad being used to 3d scan

Today we got with our groups and continued working on our projects. We used 3D design websites such as tinker cad, 123DDesign,, and sketchup. Most of the groups are well into their projects and are almost ready to print!
Creating projects to print

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4/13 Wednesday DF2

Today in class, we first completed the class survey for Ms. Sutter, and then continued working on our 3D printing projects. Last class was mostly spent brainstorming ideas for our projects, but today we started to look for templates online or create our own designs with different softwares such as 123D design.

Ms. Sutter helping students out

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 11 2016

Today in class, we started working on our 3-D printing project. All the groups have chosen their project, and we have started designing them.

DF4 04/13/16

Today in class, we completed a teacher survey and we were completing the the design and fab feedback question on the google drive. We are going to work on our design with the 3d printer. For example, the design below, is what my group wants to create.

Monday, April 11, 2016

11th April - DF6 Class Blog

In todays class everyone continued working on their group projects; finding 3D designs online, making their design on 123D make and 123D design. Some students also worked on scanning objects and people to incorporate into their project as well as sketching out their designs.
Teams working together, discussing about how
they could improve their designs

Andrew scanning Chris's head to incorporate in a project
By now everyone has sent in their design to Ms Sutter and had it printed for this class or for the next.

The whole class worked well today and some students might even start printing out their projects.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Week 12 blog prompts

Week 12
Design & Fabrication 2, 4, 6  
Photos to include: Photo of your shapeshifter form if it's been printed.  Screen shots of examples of what you want to make with your team.   

  • What area is your team focusing on for a project?
  • How are you going to make your creation unique? 
  • What are some of the resource links that you will be using?
  • Please have your blog post done by Monday 4/11 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 7th Df2 class blog

For todays class we expanded our ideas for our 3d printing project.

Some of us searched on the internet and some of us started sketching out the product. We thought about how this product will solve a problem.

We also looked at our first 3d printed objects and looked at the result of the object. Ms.Sutter explained the dos and don'ts of our prints.

Overall, this class was an efficient class to get our ideas out, brainstorm, and illustrate what we want to do for our project.

April 7th Class Blog

Today was our second day of research for out project.
Our day started with Ms. Sutter talking about what files worked, and why the ones that didn't work didn't work.
We then split into groups and went online and brainstormed what we would make, as well as the things necessary to do them.

Some people also had to organize their google drive and they finished that.

Blog post April 5th

Today we didn't do much in class, we mostly just brainstormed ideas for our new project. Most of the ideas consisted of something that was helpful but also sort of cool like some people suggested technologies in sports or home stuff that would be useful that we could print on the 3D printer. We also got into our new groups for the project depending on what we wanted to do.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday April 5th DF2

Today we started by talking about the designs that we were supposed to have sent to Ms. Sutter using . Only a few people actually sent the design, with there being some confusion on the dimensions of the shape as a download (width/height/depth). Some of the designs actually turned out pretty well. However, some got a bit messy.

After that we went over the presentation containing design and fab student ideas for inspiration.  We then grouped these ideas into categories of what students could/ wanted to do with 3D printing. Looking at the different categories, we split into teams based on what we wanted to do.

From then on, we started to brainstorm ideas until the end of class.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Thursday March 24th DF2

Today in class we continued to work on our isometric drawings. This time, instead of copying pictures, we attempted doing isometric drawings of real life objects. Some of the objects we used were spools (without string), irons and tape dispensers. After about half an hour, we started learning about 3D printing and played around with a website that helped us design cool, simple things that we could 3D print. We also started thinking about what we wanted to do for our next project and looked up pictures for inspiration.