Friday, September 30, 2016

Week 5 Blog Prompts Due Monday 10/3

Week 5 Blog Prompts Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post.

Design & Fabrication Photos: One screenshot of each of your actual project ideas in Fusion 360. You should have 3. ALSO consider additional shots from different viewpoints to really communicate the ideas clearly. 


  • How are the three ideas different from one another? 
  • How do the changes in the form effect the actual use/function of the product? Would each be useful but in slightly different situations?
  • How complex is the product? Is there some way to examine a smaller component of it to simplify it and its function?

Please have your blog post done by Monday 10/3 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Friday 9/30

Today we just played around with fusion 360 and worked on our designs. Homework: Finish three designs in fusion 360 by tuesday's class and weekend blogpost

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday 9/28 (PACT)

We started off class by taking a short quiz on the CAD center and its rules. Then we worked on our projects. The homework is to work about 30 minutes on our projects on Fusion 360.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Monday 9/26

Today in class we learned more about Fusion 360. We did this by watching some videos that explained how to use it more thoroughly. The homework is to catch up on your powerpoint from A1-A5.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Thursday, September 22

Today in class we basically touched up our portfolios and worked on our Fusion 360 models. Over the weekend, please make sure that what we've done so far in our portfolios (A-1, 2, 3, 4, 5) are complete and good to go. Other wise, work on completing the 3 Fusion 360 model drafts. 

Week 4 Prompts due 9/26

Week 4 Blog Prompts Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post.

Design & Fabrication
Photos: One screenshot of your
Design Spec table, completed, two screenshots of your experiments in Fusion 360, and one screenshot (at least) of progress on your actual project ideas in Fusion 360.


  • What did you think of your first attempts with Fusion 360? 
  • How did completing the design spec clarify what your project has to DO, and maybe give you some clearer parameters for what you are going to make?
  • Do you have some additional questions you might want to ask the people you interviewed, now that you've thought about this some more? What questions?

Please have your blog post done by Monday 9/26 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Monday, September 19, 2016

Tuesday, 9/20

Design & Fabrication Class Blog Post
September 20th, 2016. 

This class, we played around with the Fusion 360 software we previously downloaded. 
Here are all the things you need to have done. If you didn't do all of these during class, then finish it for homework. 

And below are just some in-class examples/pictures of what everyone was doing on the software.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Week 3 prompts due Monday 9/19

Week 3 Blog Prompts Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post. 

Design & Fabrication
Photos: One screenshot of your Summary of Research slide, one screenshot of your Design Brief Slide.

**Have a draft of your design spec done for class on Tuesday so we can revise it in class**


  • Did your task change at all based on the interviews and research you did? 
  • Did your idea of what your solution might be change and how, as you conducted your interviews and did online research?
  • After you finished your summary of research and design brief, did you go back and revise your project? If so, why and how?
  • How would you describe your "target market" or who you are designing for?
Please have your blog post done by Monday 9/19 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Friday 9/16

Homework Week 3 blog post:

Make sure you have completed the Research summary,  design brief, and the design specs (first draft).

If you need to complete any previous slides please do so.

We had time in class to work on all three of these subjects.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday 9/12

During Class:
Worked on interview, made new slides with 5 key points of the interview and included a link to the video of the interview.
Looked up online products that have already been made to help our situation. And maybe find out things to change/add to the products that have already been made.

Finish distilling your interview
Finish your Research document about the other 5 questions (the ones she gave us)
Complete unfinished blogs

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week 2 Prompts due 9/12

Week 2 Blog Prompts Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post. 

Design & Fabrication
Photos: Add in at least one screenshot of your portfolio slide for the 3 tasks and another of your 5 individual questions (the ones you made up specific to the task you chose).


  • What specific task and disability did you choose to focus on? 
  • Who are the three people you are interviewing to better understand the experience of having that physical impairment? 
  • What is something about the actual interview process that was challenging for you? How did you over come it? 
  • What are two things you learned from your empathy interviews that surprised you?
Please have your blog post done by Monday 9/12 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Thursday 9/8

During Class:
Finished Task A1 Design Opportunity, all students checked in with the teacher individually to see how far they are on their project.
As a group, we watched "Empathy Dos and Don'ts Videos" to have a better understanding of what to do and what not to do when we are interviewing people. 
Discussed the Empathy Dos and Don'ts Videos as a class.

Homework by next class:
Finish Task A2 Human Centered Design (all five questions)
Interview three people (remember to either audio tape, video record, take screenshots or screencasts) 
Complete your Week 2 Blog Post   

Thursday 9/8

During Class:
Finished Task A1 Design Opportunity, all students checked in with the teacher individually to see how far they are on their project.
As a group, we watched "Empathy Dos and Don'ts Videos" to have a better understanding of what to do and what not to do when we are interviewing people. 
Discussed the Empathy Dos and Don'ts Videos as a class.

Homework by next class:
Finish Task A2 Human Centered Design (all five questions)
Interview three people (remember to either audio tape, video record, take screenshots or screencasts)   

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tuesday 9/6

During class on Tuesday, my peers and I worked on devising solutions for many of the impairments that we have been talking about. The impairments range from people who are visually impaired to people with Parkinson's disease. We started out the class by talking about the expectations of the powerpoint that would show our solution. We learned that the powerpoint should have some nice images as well as a brief description of both: what the solution would solve as well as how the solution would help people suffering from that impairment. As the class progressed, we started working more and more on the powerpoint that would showcase our overall end product. By the end of the class period we were expected to have finished our portfolio slide with three tasks and have come up with one task/impairment we wanted to solve.

Here is a sample of what all we were working on:

A photo of our class working and having fun at the same time:

Class blog post by Jai

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Week 1 Prompts

Week 1 Blog Prompts
Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post. 

Design & Fabrication

Photos: Add in at least one photo and/or video (more if you have them) of you engaged in the empathy exercise from class on Friday


  • What physical impairment(s) did you try in the empathy exercise?   What surprised you about the tasks you tried to do with that impairment? 
  • Is there an impairment or task you are thinking about investigating for your project? Who might you interview for the immersion stage of the project?
  • What is the most interesting thing from the class talking about Human Centered Design that changed how you think about design? 
Please have your blog post done by Monday 9/5 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Friday 9/2

Today we created individual blogs and submitted the URL/ reviewed the 50 things lists from last class to come up with some of the tasks that seemed feasible to tackle for our design project - can we really create a solution to this? Yes!

After sharing around the room and making a list of those things, we went out to create temporary impairments and see what it might be like to have to use crutches, have an arm in a sling, splint an injured/broken finger, tape knuckles to simulate arthritis, wear blurry goggles to understand vision impairments, etc.  while undertaking several simple tasks (writing, opening a door, opening a water bottle, filling in a form, etc).  Your partner was to photograph and/or video you experiencing this empathy exercise.

Homework : Week 1 Blog post

Wednesday 8/31

Today in class we watched a few short videos about design (Norman Doors, the Age Suit, the new crutches design) and talked about Human Centered Design.  We also reviewed the design process for the amputee leg/foot for rock climbing to see how a design cycle might work. 

We ended up pairing up and creating a 50-things that could be difficult with a physical impairment/temporary injury, which, although not 50 in number gave us a good start of what to consider for our design challenge. 

Here is the Age Suit Video again. Blog posts are much more interesting with a photo or video!
There is no assigned homework due in class on Friday. :)