Monday, February 29, 2016

2/26 Friday DF2

Today we continued to work on Illustrator to make our first real prototype for our laptop stand/standing desk. If we had finished putting everything into illustrator, we printed out our prototype on paper to see if it would work and anything else we could add to it.

Homework: Weekly Blog Post and finish putting everything in Illustrator

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Class Blog Week 6

This week we finished our card stock model of our laptop design.  Make sure that you have the right dimensions for your model and that it isn't bigger than 24 x 18 inches. We also went on Illustrator and made the model of our laptop design. Hopefully next class we will be able to finish our design

Week 6&7 Prompts Due 2/29

Week 6 Blog Prompts

Design & Fabrication 2, 4, 6

Photos to include: 1 photo of your sketch of your project. 1 photo of the prototype- your individual and/or of the team version. 1 screenshot of your 24x18 artboard with your own laptop design on it (as far as you've gotten . . remember it's due on Tuesday).

  • What contributions did you make to your team while designing the laptop stand? (Be specific - added a curve to the base, designed the connections, tried a support method in the prototype that failed so we came up with a better design - remember, knowing what DOESN'T work is as important as finding out what DOES.)
We talked about the role of the prototype to answer questions:
  • What questions did you ask of your design by making your prototype? (hint: "does it work" is not detailed enough . . . and a given)
  • What answers did your prototype give you that you weren't expecting?
  • What were your biggest challenges in working in Illustrator? How did you overcome them? 

Please have your blog post done by Monday 2/29 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Friday February 26 Block 4

Today we continued to work on our Illustrator File, after finishing work on our rapid prototypes.
If you haven't you have to turn in your AI File as "Laptop_Name.AI" in your DF folder on Google Drive. Also, keep in mind that none of your cardboard cutouts can exceed 24 x 18 inches, or else the laser cutter won't be able to print it.
What we did today, information on what to do written on the board

Designing the file on Illustrator

Groups work together to create the best design

We looked at the models from other classes to see how our project can work

Wednesday February 24 Block 2

Today we made rapid prototypes, made final measurements  and drew designs for our desks. Next class we will try to finish our designs and hopefully some people will cut out and construct their first attempts at the desks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2/24 Wednesday DF4

Today in class we worked on making our prototypes for our standing desks.  We made them out of card stock and worked on figuring out the dimensions and how we would attach our cardboard pieces together. Important things to pay attention to were the height, angle, and making sure the computer wouldn't slide off.  If we finished our prototype, we started working on constructing it in Illustrator.  Homework is to work for 30 minutes in Illustrator and create the design for your standing desk.

Making the prototype out of card stock

Testing the angle of the prototype

One group's prototype

Another group's prototype

Important things to remember when working in Illustrator

2 / 24 Class Blog

 Today, using the model to we had made last class, we found out what works and what doesn't and improved on those points. Also, we tried to make our project fit in the 24in x 18in board that we are going to have the laser cutter cut out from. Many groups were having trouble because their project was too big to fit on the card board, and to prevent wasting materials, we tried to fit as much as we can in one board.


 For homework, we will work on using the installer app for 30 mins to get working on our group project.

Monday, February 22, 2016

2/15 Class Blog By Quinn Morgan

2/15 Class Blog 

Today in class we split into our groups for the PC stand assignment and compared survey notes on our projects which was put into tables for the group and teacher to see.

We then started on sketches of what our stands will/could look like. We also make measurements and a basic shape for the stand. We all compared and then proceed with the one we believed to be the best for our task.



The last project for the day was to make a prototype to half scale or the actual size out of card stock. We used hole, slots and tabs as joiners to keep the project intact. 







2/16: Class blog

2/16: Class blog
Block 4

Today in class we worked on putting together our cardboard cutouts that we made on illustrator. We were able to see them cut out by the laser cuter, then we could put together the shapes using the slot cut into them.
The next thing that we did in class today was work on our ideas for our desk/stand. We each individually made plans for our stands, based on research we did on ergonomics. We drew out the idea then constructed a model using poster board paper.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2/16 Class Blog

Today, we split up into groups and compared our survey results. From the results, we came up with a few concerns and possible solutions. This data was put in a table.

We then brainstormed to figure out what our desk would actually look like. Ergonomic measurements were determined, and we came up with a basic shape. We then proceeded to sketch each of our ideas on a piece of paper with measurements, and compared them to find out what model would work best.

Finally, a prototype half the scale of the actual computer stand was made using card stock. Joiners such as tabs, slots, and holes were used to keep it together.
Making The Prototypes

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 5

  • What was your biggest "aha" moment when working with Illustrator? For some of you this is a new program and some of you this is your second semester with it. If you used it last semester, what is one thing that clicked into place this time?
  •  I spent quite a lot of time working out how to properly make different shapes and my "aha" moment was when I discovered how to make different polygons.
  • What will you remember if you use slots in your laptop stand design?
  •   I'll make sure that I will be able to take the stand apart so it is more portable.
  • What is your group planning to make for your laptop stand cardboard construction project?
  •  A sort of bed in breakfast type stand, one that you can use in bed, on a sofa, or while watching tv.
  • How are your questions for your interviews this weekend DIFFERENT from the questions you asked for your eTextiles project?
  • They are a lot more open ended, in the eTextiles interview my group had a lot of yes or no answer questions.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 5

  • What was your biggest "aha" moment when working with Illustrator? For some of you this is a new program and some of you this is your second semester with it. If you used it last semester, what is one thing that clicked into place this time?
  •  This was my first time working with Illustrator. My "aha" moment was when I finally got all of the measurement right and then I could just focus on making the shapes. 

  • 2 & 6 - What did you learn from putting your shapes together with the slots? What will you remember if you use slots in your laptop stand design?
  •  I learned that the slots all have to be the same exact size or else they don't fit together properly. When I make my laptop design I will remember to make all of the slots the same size so that everything fits just right and won't fall over.  

  • What is your group planning to make for your laptop stand cardboard construction project?
  •  My group is planning to make a laptop/backpack. It is going to be a square backpack that can fold into a little desk for a laptop. 

  • How are your questions for your interviews this weekend DIFFERENT from the questions you asked for your eTextiles project?
  • My questions for this project are different because the last project I was asking questions like "do you think that you would wear this hat?" "when would you wear it?" For this project I asked questions like "would you use this a lot?" and "would you use it at school?"

Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 12th Blog Post

Today in class we used the laser printer for the first time. We used it to print out the shapes we made the class before on illustrator. They came out on the cardboard very well. Here is a video of the printer in action.

Week 5 Blog Prompts Due 2/15

Week 5 Blog Prompts

Design & Fabrication 2, 4, 6

Photos to include: 1 screenshot of your shapes on Illustrator, classes 2 and 6 add 1 shot of your shapes cut and/or the sculpture made at your table or by the class. (class 4, cut out your shapes next class)

  • What was your biggest "aha" moment when working with Illustrator? For some of you this is a new program and some of you this is your second semester with it. If you used it last semester, what is one thing that clicked into place this time?
  • 2 & 6 - What did you learn from putting your shapes together with the slots? What will you remember if you use slots in your laptop stand design?
  • What is your group planning to make for your laptop stand cardboard construction project?
  • How are your questions for your interviews this weekend DIFFERENT from the questions you asked for your eTextiles project?

Please have your blog post done by Monday 2/15 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Thursday, February 11, 2016

2/12 Class Blog DF6 Lourenco Maia

This class we looked at what our cut shapes looked like. Almost all the shapes were different however they all fit together since the slots were all the same size and width. The lazer cutter cut through cardboard reallly easily and I saw this when Mrs Sutter printed a second batch for us to see what it looked like when it was cutting. Here is the video: 
 We then made a massive structure with everyone's pieces it looked crazy however they all fit because the slots were all the same size. I thought it was pretty cool that it all worked out.

2/10 Class Blog DF6-Colette Macarios

Today in class we learned many settings and how to figure out Adobe Illustrator. In class our assignment was to create a few shapes and add slots so that when we used the laser cutter they would fit together properly.
On the board Ms. Sutter comprehensively wrote down all of the different dimensions so that the laser cutter settings were set the right way. For example, the stroke of the line was changed to .001 so that the cutting would be quicker because if you were to set it higher it would take a much longer time for the laser to cut through. We also inserted the dimensions of the material board we are using into our Adobe settings so it matches up to the laser cutter. We also needed to make sure that the slots setting were set to 15mm and 4.8 mm so that the slots would fit together when they were inserted together after being printed.
This picture is what our stroke was set to in Adobe.
Another interesting thing is that we learned how to use the tools in Adobe to create shapes and figure out how to create slots. We used the mouse/grab tool, the shapes/rectangle tool, and we also used the colour tool so that we could change the setting to no fill when we were writing our names on the inside of the shapes.

By the end of class we had something like this complete so that we had a few shapes and we had slots. One of the tricks I learned was that we didn't really need to make a gap between the slot and the shape because the laser cutter would just cut right through it anyways which was really interesting for me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

DF2 Class Blog Feb 10th

In class today we learned about Creative Cloud Illustrator. We learned about different tools we could use,  and how to not to fill. To practice we used the Illustrator and made a square and circle (6 cm). Inside both of them we put another small rectangle (1.5 cm by 4.9 mm). Then we added our initials using the text box. Lastly, we learned how not to fill.
Instructions on Illustrator

After learning about how to use Illustrator, we discussed what our plans were for the next project.

February 10th DF4

Somebody trying things on Illustrator.
Ms.Sutter teaching us how to use Illustrator.
Today we used the Illustrator app for the first time in class.

Ms.Sutter gave us an assignment where we had to make 2 shapes. One with a 6 cm diameter and the other could be any shape. We had to make three slots in the shapes. One 45 degrees, and two 90 degrees.

The instructions.
The settings.d

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 8th blog

Today in class, we shared our projects with the class. Such as, lighting up coasters (Thats me), lighting up pen, lighting up hat, lighting up everything. It was cool sharing our ideas and our progress. This video is the coaster

Monday, February 8, 2016

February 8th blog

Today in class, 3 groups showed the rest of the class their final product. 2 other groups will show their products next class. Everyones project came out pretty good and were very impressive.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

2/4 DF class blog

In class today, we all shared our products and explained how they were made. We saw light-up shirts, light-up shoes, bags, hats, and other light-up objects. We also gave each other feedback in order to improve our products for next time.

Class Blog Feb 4th

Today we presented our projects to the rest of the class and critiqued each other to improve in the future. Then we finished our documentation and moved our final document to the folder for Ms. Sutter to grade. Some teams worked on finalizing their projects and have completely finished.


February 4

During class, we continued working on our eTextile projects. We also worked on our google documents. 
Many groups completed their projects during class today.
Next class we will present our projects to everybody in our class.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Week 4 blog prompts due 2/8

Week 4 Blog Prompts Please note the suggested photos to include in the blog post, plus prompts to answer - in some detail!

Design & Fabrication 2, 4, 6
Photos: 2 photos of your work on your project - of what YOU worked on in class - could be one screenshot of code, one of sewing, etc. One photo of the FINAL project and VIDEO of the project working (if you don't have the video yet, you can add it in later)


  • What was the biggest challenge this week for your eTextile project? Explain how you overcame that challenge.
  • Working in a team can be a challenge, including how each team member contributes. What have you contributed to your team this week - please be specific?
  • What are you pleased with in terms of how the project and the process of making the project turned out? 
  • What's one thing you would do differently if you were to do the project again?
Please have your blog post done by Monday 2/8 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

2/2 Tuesday DF2

Today we continued working on our etextile projects.
We started to construct what we had drawn as a sketch on paper into an object.
We figured out the coding for the lights, test the coding, and sew the circuits onto our objects.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Class Blog 02/2/16

Today for the class blog, we are finishing up our projects, or whatever project each group came up with.