Monday, August 31, 2015

1/9 3D Design-7

Today we helped and corrected each others orthogonal projections in class and also got into groups to work on our powerpoints. The powerpoints are to showcase the technology that our individual groups are studying/working on. The powerpoints should have Pictures and limited texts.

More Orthogonal Drawings - 1-6 on the new sheet
Complete your blog post for week 1 if you haven't done so already

8/31 Design & Fabrication 4, 2

Today in class students set up their individual blogs and wrote the start of their first blog post.  The documentation sheet from the scribble bot activity last week was the basis for the Week 1 post, as there was only one class last week to work with.

**Note** All of the links to the individual student blogs can be found on the Fall Blogs page / tab on this class blog.

The last 30 minutes of class was spent introducing Orthogonal Projection from isometric figures.  Students completed at least figure 1 and 2 in class, and figure 3 and 4 are due Wednesday. 

Finish Week 1 Blog Post by Wednesday
Finish orthogonal projections for figures 1, 2, 3, 4 for Wednesday - proper format AND using highlighter lines

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week 1 Prompts

Week 1 Blog Prompts
Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post. 

3D Design
Photos to include: Each of your orthographic projections (4 per sheet, 1 sheet per photo), One (or more) photo of a cool 3D digitally designed object found online.
*Put the link to your pinterest page in the post AND in the sidebar of your blog

  • What was your greatest challenge in doing the orthographic projections?
  • What surprised you about this type of drawing?
  • What surprised you when you started investigating 3D Design? 
  • I was wondering . . . . 
Design & Fabrication 2, 4
No posts yet - we'll be setting up blogs on Monday 8/31, and the prompts will be up for you at that time. Your first post will document the Scribble Bot experience.

Please have your blog post done by Monday 8/31 at 3:00 (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

8/28 3D Design-7

Today we started off with getting blog urls into the form, and accepting the invitation to join the class blog. Next on the digital front everyone created a Pinterest account or added  a new 3D Design board to an existing account, and found 5 or more interesting images to pin to it.  

The second part was organizing into teams on topics related to 3D Design, so the teams could present to the class what they find.  The class selected topics including Kinetic Sculpture / Fine Art, Housewares (including things like iphone cases, vases, lamps, etc), Automotive, Architecture, Fashion (anything wearable, textiles, etc), Medical / biological, Personally powered wheeled devices (bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc), Robotics, and Toys. 

Last but not least we revisited Orthogonal Projection drawings that were completed as homework, and started the next 8 figures (due Tuesday). 

Week 1 Blog Post
Ortho drawings: 9, 10, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24
Watch this TED Talk: A Primer on 3D Printing

8/27 Design & Fabrication 2 & 4

Today class 2 and class 4 of Design and Fabrication made scribble bots. Everyone did a great job of rapid prototyping, diving in to making with materials and getting marks on paper quickly. Every 5-7 minutes everyone took photos of their bots, and any time they had a moving, mark making bot they shot a video. While the work was independent, in that everyone made their own, there was lots of support for table-mates and class mates as things worked, didn't work, and everyone trouble-shot their bot.  The end of class was spent reflecting on their design process and product(s) on the Documentation Sheet, which will serve as notes for their first blog post next class (Monday!).

HOMEWORK: Finish your documentation sheet and make any notes you need to remember what worked, what the challenges were, and how you addressed them during class. Bring your computer to class (always!), your phone (always!) and your documentation sheet and be ready to create your individual blogs. Oh - and a pencil, eraser, and a highlighter or two would be useful.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8/26 3DDesign-7

Today was our first full class period.  We started by setting up individual blogs, and then created a demo post with a photo and link to the source of the image. 

The second half of the class was spent introducing the idea of orthographic projection from isometric drawings/models. Hooray for graph paper and rulers! We did the first figure together, then everyone tried the next one on their own. 

Homework is to FINISH THE FIRST FOUR FIGURES, with projection lines in highlighter, labeled appropriately (front, top, right).

Two isometric figure handouts and one example of multi-view orthographic projection.

Lables or Tags on Class Blog Posts

One key to keeping the daily posts organized is to use the appropriate Label or Tag for the post. When you make a new post, you will need to ADD A LABEL.
Find the Labels in the sidebar as you make a new post.

Then type in the correct label for your class: DFab2 or DFab4 or 3D6  - and hit return or select the label.   If you forget to do it when you post, you can edit the post and then update it after you add the label.
 If everyone uses the labels appropriately we can click on the correct tag and ONLY see the posts for that class. We can do it! :)

Creating Your Blog

We'll be going over how to set up your blog in class, but here is the screencast how-to for you if you join class during add/drop period for some reason. Here are the steps you need to do (in order, please!)
  1. Create your individual blog (follow the screencast directions) while in your ASIJ Google account.
  2. Create a blogger profile as necessary (Blogger is better than the G+ id for this)
  3. Go to your email and ACCEPT the invitation to the class blog - ASAP please, invitations expire.
  4. VIEW the class blog and make sure your name shows up in the sidebar under Contributors
Congratulations! You are ready to blog!

Monday, August 24, 2015


Welcome to the 3D Design & Fabrication Class Blog! 
When we left last spring, this is what the Creative Arts & Design building looked like: 
 Just think about how much work they did over the last couple of months!

Here is the official ribbon cutting ceremony from August 24th.

This blog will be a place of sharing, capturing the adventures of each class this year as the projects unfold.  Each class, one student will be responsible for posting photos from the days work, as well as a brief recap of what we did and what the homework is for the next class.  

Today is a short (30 minute) class, so we'll be meeting each other, going over classroom expectations, assessment parameters (3D Design) and emergency exit information. Here is the link to the handout for 3D Design assessment that I gave out in class and will provide parents at Back To School Night on September 17th. (The assessment handout for Design & Fabrication will be handed out shortly.)

You will each also have your own individual blog, where you will document your projects, weekly progress, and reflect on that work.  Once the blogs are set up, I'll create a tab so you can all access the blogs of your classmates for sharing and comments.   Let's learn from each other!