Saturday, December 12, 2015

Week 15 Blog Prompts Due 12/13

Week 15 Blog Prompts     
Last blog post of the semester!
3D Design  
Photos to include: Photos of the work you did this week, and a clear photo of the final form of your project (a video if it moves, blinks or otherwise needs a video).  ADD THIS Documentation of the final form even if you have to do it next week.
  • What progress did you make this week? Did you finish? If not, what do you have left to do?
  • What are you most pleased with about the project and what you made?
  • What things would you do differently if you could go back to the beginning?
  • Your completed documentation should be a Google Doc - share it with ANYONE WITH THE LINK and then put the link here in your blog.
Design & Fabrication 2, 4
  Several photos of your work this week, and a final photo of the finished (or as far as it gets) project (you can add the finished photo later if you are working on it on Monday)

  • What progress did you make this week? Did you finish? If not, what do you have left to do?
  • What are you most pleased with about the project and what you made?
  • What things would you do differently if you could go back to the beginning?
  • Your completed documentation should be a Google Doc - share it with ANYONE WITH THE LINK and then put the link here in your blog.
Please have your blog post done by Monday 12/13 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

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