Saturday, September 17, 2016

Week 3 prompts due Monday 9/19

Week 3 Blog Prompts Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post. 

Design & Fabrication
Photos: One screenshot of your Summary of Research slide, one screenshot of your Design Brief Slide.

**Have a draft of your design spec done for class on Tuesday so we can revise it in class**


  • Did your task change at all based on the interviews and research you did? 
  • Did your idea of what your solution might be change and how, as you conducted your interviews and did online research?
  • After you finished your summary of research and design brief, did you go back and revise your project? If so, why and how?
  • How would you describe your "target market" or who you are designing for?
Please have your blog post done by Monday 9/19 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

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