Friday, April 14, 2017

Week 13 Due 4/17

Weeks 13 Blog Prompts 
Design & Fabrication 
  Photos: Photos of any construction you did this week (3D printed, laser cut, glued, etc.)

  • What, if anything, do you have left to do?
  • What is a roadblock at this point? How can you / we make it work so you can keep making progress?
  • What changed this week?
  • Remember it takes time to cut on the laser cutter. After school is an option Tues / Thurs if you talk to me to schedule supervision!
  • REMEMBER TO keep working on revising your documents based on the feedback from the midsemester reports. 

Please have your blog post done by Monday 4/17 at 8:00am, although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues. 
Ms. Sutter

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