Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week 7 Prompts Due Wed 8am 10/14

Week 7 Blog Prompts  
Please note that each class has suggested photos to include in the blog posts, plus prompts to answer - in some detail! - for that week's post. 
3D Design  

Photos to include: Screen shots of your 3D shape in at least two different views and rendered in a material you've explored that.  ADD IN AT LEAST one photo of a cool thing cut on a 3D printer that you found online. LATE LANTERNS ONLY: Photo of the finished lantern if it's done - with lights on and in the dark with the candle & Photo of the laser cutter cutting your lantern (or short video snip) and
***3D file needs to be in your Google Drive folder
***Lantern file (svg) needs to be in your Google Drive folder
***Google Drive Folder needs to be renamed 3DName   ie: 3DAzu or 3DHana 

  • What was one thing you discovered in Fusion360 that worked really well for you?
  • What was something you are still struggling with in Fusion360?
  • What is the function of your 3D shape?
  • What do you find most fascinating about the 3D printed object you chose to feature from online resources?
Design & Fabrication 2, 4
Photos: Screenshot of your own shape and of your group shape in AutoCAD.  Photo of your cut shape IF you didn't put one in last week. 

***IN YOUR GOOGLE DRIVE FOLDER: have your original shape NameShape1.dwg, the second version NameShape2.dwg, and the group file with all 3 from Inkscape NameNameName.svg  

  • Describe the combination of parts/ideas/shapes you used to create your group shape, and explain what you like best about it.
  • What was your biggest challenge in AutoCad this week and how did you solve it if you did?
  • I was wondering . . .  
Please have your blog post done by Wednesday 10/14 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome.  Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter

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