1/11 Monday DF2, 4, and 6
Today we set up individual blogs and made our "first day" post with a photo of an e-textile project that looked interesting. We then discussed the class blog and what the expectations are for that (see the Semester 2 Post below for more details).
Then we discussed the idea behind Creative Commons, Open Source, and a sharing ethic behind the Fab Lab and Maker movements, how that ties in to documentation and sharing how to make / do things with the global community.
We also went over the Design Thinking / Design Cycle, and a rough overview of how we will apply it in part or whole in the class this semester.
Rename your Google Drive folder for this class with DF# (ie DF2, DF4, DF6) and your name, last and then first
so . . .DF2 Sutter Sarah for example
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