Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 5

  • What was your biggest "aha" moment when working with Illustrator? For some of you this is a new program and some of you this is your second semester with it. If you used it last semester, what is one thing that clicked into place this time?
  •  I spent quite a lot of time working out how to properly make different shapes and my "aha" moment was when I discovered how to make different polygons.
  • What will you remember if you use slots in your laptop stand design?
  •   I'll make sure that I will be able to take the stand apart so it is more portable.
  • What is your group planning to make for your laptop stand cardboard construction project?
  •  A sort of bed in breakfast type stand, one that you can use in bed, on a sofa, or while watching tv.
  • How are your questions for your interviews this weekend DIFFERENT from the questions you asked for your eTextiles project?
  • They are a lot more open ended, in the eTextiles interview my group had a lot of yes or no answer questions.

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