Design & Fabrication 2, 4, 6
Photos to include: 1 photo of your sketch of your project. 1 photo of the prototype- your individual and/or of the team version. 1 screenshot of your 24x18 artboard with your own laptop design on it (as far as you've gotten . . remember it's due on Tuesday).
- What contributions did you make to your team while designing the laptop stand? (Be specific - added a curve to the base, designed the connections, tried a support method in the prototype that failed so we came up with a better design - remember, knowing what DOESN'T work is as important as finding out what DOES.)
- What questions did you ask of your design by making your prototype? (hint: "does it work" is not detailed enough . . . and a given)
- What answers did your prototype give you that you weren't expecting?
- What were your biggest challenges in working in Illustrator? How did you overcome them?
Please have your blog post done by Monday 2/29 at 8:00am (all classes), although earlier is always welcome. Email me if you have any questions or issues.
Ms. Sutter
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