Week 5
- What was your biggest "aha" moment when working with Illustrator? For some of you this is a new program and some of you this is your second semester with it. If you used it last semester, what is one thing that clicked into place this time?
- This was my first time working with Illustrator. My "aha" moment was when I finally got all of the measurement right and then I could just focus on making the shapes.
- 2 & 6 - What did you learn from putting your shapes together with the slots? What will you remember if you use slots in your laptop stand design?
- I learned that the slots all have to be the same exact size or else they don't fit together properly. When I make my laptop design I will remember to make all of the slots the same size so that everything fits just right and won't fall over.
- What is your group planning to make for your laptop stand cardboard construction project?
- My group is planning to make a laptop/backpack. It is going to be a square backpack that can fold into a little desk for a laptop.
- How are your questions for your interviews this weekend DIFFERENT from the questions you asked for your eTextiles project?
- My questions for this project are different because the last project I was asking questions like "do you think that you would wear this hat?" "when would you wear it?" For this project I asked questions like "would you use this a lot?" and "would you use it at school?"
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